HTML/CSS to PDF conversion
HTML/CSS to raster image conversion
(BufferedImage, PNG, multipage TIFF)
Sophisticated HTML/CSS to RTF conversion
With a support of nested tables, lists; with an option to convert images to WMF for better RTF viewer compatibility
Converting of SVG images to vector PDF graphics
using either built-in SVG renderer or a pluggable component, based on Apache Batik
Support of MathML conversion
using a pluggable component, based on JEuclid
Command line converter tool to use PD4ML from any environment on on any platform has a JVM
Custom JSP taglib for PDF conversion
PDF tools library (parse, process, merge PDF)
Convert an URL or HTML string to a PDF file or byte stream
Apply PDF page format and orientation to all or just to selected pages
Control page margins
Generate external and internal hyperlinks (in PDF and RTF)
Include images to output documents
Encrypt resulting PDFs protect them with passwords
Generate PDF bookmarks (also known as outlines)
Customize page background for entire document or for selected pages. Define the background as an image or as an HTML layout
Assign read/print/copy permissions to PDF
Inject a portion of HTML code to an input document with API call
Define PDF headers and footers with HTML (including images and page numbers); control header/footer appearance on selected pages
Watermark pages. Specify if the watermark has to be shown by PDF viewers, to be printed, or both.
Table of Contents generation and a possibility to customize TOC appearance
Define submittable PDF forms with HTML
Define footnotes and endnotes
Override hardcoded document style with additional CSS style sheets
Embed user files as PDF attachments
Support for national character sets
Embedding of TTF/Open Type fonts
Apply font kerning in PDF (if chosen font provides kerning info)
Lotus Notes/Domino documents conversion support
(for the time being by PD4ML v3 only)
Lotus Notes/Domino LZ1-compressed attachments conversion support
PDF/A-1b output support for long term electronic document archiving
Accessible PDF/A-2a and PDF/UA output support
Tagged PDF output support
Single License
valid for a single web deployment or a single desktop product title (not both)
Site License
valid for unlimited number of deployments with software, originated by a company division
Enterprise License
valid for unlimited number of deployments with software, originated by all licensee company divisions and affiliate companies
The prices are in EURO
PD4ML v4 compatible with JDK 1.6 or newer; PD4ML v3 can run in JDK 1.2+ environments.
PD4ML for .NET is a ported version of PD4ML v3.8.5+ for Java to .NET platform. A version, matches the most recent features and API state of PD4ML v4, is coming soon. PD4ML for Java + .NET A combined license of PD4ML for Java (v3 and v4) and PD4ML for .NET (v3).