

> 1: How do I get for evaluation a .lic file instead of pdf file so that we can install it in /classes directory as indicated in PD4ML docs?

There are various methods to provide the license code to the software. pd4ml.lic file is one of them. pd4ml.lic is a text file. You can create the file and copy-paste the license code to it.

Or, as you learned, you can click over the code on “View My Licenses” page to download the file.

> 2: Will applying a license file provide more features?

No. A non-trial license code removes the evaluation banner from resulting PDF docs. An evaluation license makes the evaluation banner less contrast and annoying. But the software in evaluation mode is still fully functional.

> 3: What is the best way to update the jsps to display in correct format using the newer version of PD4ML?

Despite PD4ML v4 provides refactored JSP taglib, if you have JSPs created and tuned for v3, we recommend to stay with pd4ml_tl.jar from PD4ML v3.

PD4ML v4 implements new HTML rendering engine and supports much more HTML and CSS features, so rendering differences are possible.

Please email HTML/JSP/CSS and corresponding problematic PDF output to helpdesk @ pd4ml.com to get an assistance