
When we use the command line to generate the pd4fonts.properties file it returns a pd4brower.properties file instead. So we copied an example fonts properties file and changed it as per our font files and names.

Here is what we typed from the command line…

java -jar pd4ml.jar -configure.fonts /path/to/my/fonts/

and that spits out a pd4browser.properties file.

Here’s a copy of our simple pd4fonts.properties file…

#this is an autogenerated file. please remove manually any references to copyrighted fonts
#Wed Sep 13 13:59:25 CEST 2006
Comic Sans MS=Comic Sans MS.ttf

We haven’t tried the debug option yet, I figured I’d post this information first. I will try and see what the debug spits out in a bit. If there’s anything that jumps out that’s incorrect here that might save me some time.