
PD4ML can repeat a table header after a page break (pd4ml.enableSmartTableBreaks(true)). But it does not allow to add, for example, “(continued)” to the original header. So probably the trick with table headers will work for you.

PD4ML Pro allows you to define page-specific headers in a case you use tag.

1. The tag supports scope attribute. For example: scope=”1″ defines header for the first page only; meaning of scope=”2+”, scope=”4-5″ is hopefully obvious. On the top of HTML page you may define multiple tags with different scope attribute values.

2. Also without scope attribute may appear somewhere in the document body. In the case it impacts all subsequent pages (until it is overridden by another tag)

For your sample in theory it should be like that:

Italy (continued)

item  [/language:12j8bljf]

However I tested the code and it does not work as desired. In a case of multiple header definitions/redefinitions on a single page only the last header definition takes effect. We’ll check if it possible to improve the algorithms to support the above idea.