
@PD4ML wrote:

Could you please create and send us an HTML document, with your most wanted currently unsupported CSS features we could use for our internal tests?
(including html-css-to-pdf-rendering-issues-f3/absolute-positioning-within-a-padded-parent-t524.html test case)

Hello – thank for your reply.
Our currently most wanted properties are those 2 remaining positioning directions – bottom and right, and the already referenced “padding in absolute positioning parent” issue.
I have created another test case that tests both these issues:
It needed a bit of overhead for MSIE, but in the end it shows the same in all browsers and, ideally, it should show the same in PD4ML. Testing in the GUI of the last version, all the violet boxes show overlapping at one position, while they should be occupying the respective corners of the parent box.

Kind regards,