
@Beth Barr wrote:


I am using pro version 370 of pd4ml . It is giving me error . None of the fonts are getting reflected. The error says “Problem reading font data” . The error log is as shown below.

version: PD4ML 370 Pro
not yet in cache: file:C:FontEpic/pd4fonts.properties
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/gothic.ttf
can not read ‘century gothic’ from file:C:WinFonts/gothic.ttf: Problem reading
font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘century gothic’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/calibri.ttf
can not read ‘calibri’ from file:C:WinFonts/calibri.ttf: Problem reading font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘calibri’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/pala.ttf
can not read ‘palatino linotype’ from file:C:WinFonts/pala.ttf: Problem reading
font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘palatino linotype’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/times.ttf
can not read ‘times new roman’ from file:C:WinFonts/times.ttf: Problem reading
font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘times new roman’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/impact.ttf
can not read ‘impact’ from file:C:WinFonts/impact.ttf: Problem reading font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘impact’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/tahoma.ttf
can not read ‘tahoma’ from file:C:WinFonts/tahoma.ttf: Problem reading font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘tahoma’
‘helvetica’ is not in pd4fonts.properties file
reject TTF lookup for: ‘helvetica’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/l_10646.ttf
can not read ‘lucida sans unicode’ from file:C:WinFonts/l_10646.ttf: Problem re
ading font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘lucida sans unicode’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/lucon.ttf
can not read ‘lucida console’ from file:C:WinFonts/lucon.ttf: Problem reading f
ont data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘lucida console’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/arial.ttf
can not read ‘arial’ from file:C:WinFonts/arial.ttf: Problem reading font data.

reject TTF lookup for: ‘arial’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/ariblk.ttf
can not read ‘arial black’ from file:C:WinFonts/ariblk.ttf: Problem reading fon
t data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘arial black’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/arial-narrow_[allfont.net].ttf
can not read ‘arial narrow’ from file:C:WinFonts/arial-narrow_[allfont.net].ttf
: Problem reading font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘arial narrow’
‘serif’ is not in pd4fonts.properties file
reject TTF lookup for: ‘serif’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/verdana.ttf
can not read ‘verdana’ from file:C:WinFonts/verdana.ttf: Problem reading font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘verdana’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/COPRGTL.TTF
can not read ‘copperplate gothic light’ from file:C:WinFonts/COPRGTL.TTF: Problem reading font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘copperplate gothic light’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/33535gillsansmt.ttf
can not read ‘gill sans mt’ from file:C:WinFonts/33535gillsansmt.ttf: Problem
reading font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘gill sans mt’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/trebuc.ttf
can not read ‘trebuchet ms’ from file:C:WinFonts/trebuc.ttf: Problem reading font data.
reject TTF lookup for: ‘trebuchet ms’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/cour.ttf
can not read ‘courier new’ from file:C:WinFonts/cour.ttf: Problem reading font
reject TTF lookup for: ‘courier new’
not yet in cache: file:C:WinFonts/georgia.ttf
can not read ‘georgia’ from file:C:WinFonts/georgia.ttf: Problem reading font
reject TTF lookup for: ‘georgia’