
@csueaq wrote:

@Guest wrote:

PD4ML Probe currently embeds v380fx5 – probably that is the reason. (I assume in PD4ML Probe you check generated PDF, not a web browser preview)

I’ve just tested your HTML with fx5 – images #3 and #8 are missing in the resulting PDF.

It seems image #3 URL returns a redirect, which is not supported.

If I open the HTML with a web browser – only image #8 is missing. However if I copy-paste image #8 URL to the address bar of the web browser – it shows it. I’ll let you know our analyze results.

Thanks for your reply,

did you get image 7 working with v380fx5 ? which is <img src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_l9sxt2kDS71qafm1vo1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAI6WLSGT7Y3ET7ADQ&Expires=1342001418&Signature=vP617e4HcVaKvCN07IKk53A7kcw%3D" top="524" left="780" sizewidth="144" sizeheight="218" style="top:524.0px;left:780.0px;z-index:3;width:144.0px;height:218.0px;position:absolute;"/>

That image has arguments in the url after “?” mark. This is not working with the version of PD4ML we have here, but image 8 is working .


I was assuming that image 8 you mentioned is the one with a guy sitting on a motorbike. Also, I noticed that if I open the html in IE, 1 image is missing ( the one with arguments), but all image appears in firefox, hope that explains sth……