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  • #26855

    Is border-radius supported in pd4ml ?


    Border radius is not supported in HTML/CSS properties yet.

    Its support has been recently added to SVG renderer module of PD4ML, so if it is needed for decorative reasons, you may use inline SVG graphics for that.


    @PD4ML wrote:

    Border radius is not supported in HTML/CSS properties yet.

    Its support has been recently added to SVG renderer module of PD4ML, so if it is needed for decorative reasons, you may use inline SVG graphics for that.

    Any update, when border-radius will be supported?
    We are waiting for the support.
    Thanks a lot.


    i am waiting too. is this going to happen soon or i may find a better tool to use?


    border-radius is not going to be supported in the current PD4ML v3.x

    It is a feature of forthcoming PD4ML v4, whose release is expected in ~ one month.

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