HTML to PDF / DOCX / RTF Java converter library Forums PD4ML v3 Archived Forums (Read Only) General questions / FAQ can not change default encoding Cp1252 to UTF8 as specified

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  • #26571

    Hi all,

    When I call render() method I get the below error :

    “can not change default encoding Cp1252 to UTF8 as specified in the source HTML: the given input stream reader does not support reset()”.

    Stacktrace :
    version: PD4ML 361b2 can not change default encoding Cp1252 to UTF8 as specified in the source HTML: the given input stream reader does not support reset()
    at org.zefer.html.doc.PD4MLHtmlParser.parse(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.PD4MLHtmlParser.buildDocument(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.super(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)

    Can anyone help me out to resolve this issue?

    – Thanks in advance.


    A good workaround would be to use render(URL,…) method instead of render(InputStream,…)

    Another solution is to pre-read the source HTML into a byte array and to pass it to PD4ML.render() as a ByteArrayInputStream

    Also you may run JVM with -file.encoding=UTF8 command-line parameter or to use a render() method, which accepts an encoding name as a parameter, but in the case your Java code is going to be dependent on the document content you are going to convert.

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