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  • #33927

    I upgraded to V4 and I’ve had quite a bit of trouble trying to find the equivalent functionality.
    I’ve looked, but I can’t find a migration guide but in any case, the show stopper seems to be loading local, file based resources.
    In V3 we did the following;
    pd4ml.render(reader, out, params.destDir.toURI().toURL());
    This is telling PD4ML what the base URL is for all resources not explicitly referenced.
    What is the equivalent in V4?

    I’ve tried using a custom ResourceProvider but the methods never get called.



    With PD4ML v4 you’ve got two options: to use PD4ML v3 API wrapper (org.zefer.pd4ml), which translates v3 API calls to v4, or to use PD4ML v4 API (com.pd4ml). Both packages have PD4ML class.

    In v4 API you may specify base URL in renderHTML() params. See JavaDoc.

    In v3 API wrapper the API call pd4ml.render(reader, out, params.destDir.toURI().toURL()); should just work.

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