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  • #26819


    I’m attaching a sample code of a png rendering of an html page.

    I tested the example code on a Stand alone J2SE program and its rendering the page into PNG24 just great.

    Then I took the exactly same code, and putted inside a Sptring MVC controller in my Jetty server, and it render the page but into PDF, ignoring outputFormat(PD4Constants.PNG24);

    Is there another way that I can force the render to be made on PNG?

    Both program are using the same jar 381

    Thanks for your time!


    Hi Juan

    I tried what you said and it also happened to me.
    Right now, I am testing the tool and I will be needing the configuration that you mentioned.

    Did you reached a solution?




    I was using the non pro versions, that seems to not support outputFormat change

    WARNING: outputFormat() takes no effect in non-Pro PD4ML versions
    version: PD4ML 381 (eval)

    I will download the PRO trial and test it.



    You are right: to perform HTML->Image conversion you need PD4ML Pro (or any derived volume license library).

    As I see in your code sample there is pd4ml.enableDebugInfo() call. It should report to STDOUT/server’s log the following message:

    [language=java:1mhs96fk]if ( debug && !isPro() ) {
    System.err.println( “WARNING: outputFormat() takes no effect in non-Pro PD4ML versions” );

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