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  • #38454

    I have the following structure:


    Neither relative file paths (../../../styles/report_style.css) nor absolute application paths
    (<link href=”<c:url value=’/styles/report_style.css’/>” type=”text/css”>) work.

    The only way to get styles is to embed the styles in the JSP page. I suspect base-64 encoding of the images will be required as well.

    Using <c:url value=”/absolute_path”/> worked in PD4ML v3.

    Is there any work-aronud?



    We use <display-name>apName version</display-name> in our web.xml (generated by Maven and a resource filter). Apparently PD4ML v4 has changed context resolution to use ServletContext.getServletContextName(). Since there is no apName%20version running (only apName), this breaks getting external resources.

    This will make management a bit more difficult, but not impossible.

    I haven’t checked the release notes anywhere, but was this mentioned somewhere?

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