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  • #26349


    how can I make the text of a fieldset legend bold?

    fieldset legend{
    color: #000000;

    this will print the legend in the correct color but the font-weight seems not to work.


    You defined the style correctly, but the actual version of PD4ML offers limited style flexibility for the legend text (actually you may change only color, text style it inherits from the current context).

    We’ve just fixed the problem in our development build. The version will be available for download in few days.


    sounds great…

    i suggest there is another issue with fieldsets, if you look at the following

    <br /> <div style="font-size: 18pt;font-weight: bold;">text</div><br /> <fieldset><br /> <legend>legend text</legend><br /> palim palim<br /> </fieldset><br /> <br /> <div style="font-size: 18pt;font-weight: bold;">text</div><br /> <fieldset><br /> <legend>legend text</legend><br /> </fieldset><br /> <br /> <div style="font-size: 18pt;font-weight: bold;">text</div><br /> <fieldset><br /> <legend>legend text</legend><br /> palim palim<br /> </fieldset><br /> <br /> <div style="font-size: 18pt;font-weight: bold;">text</div><br /> <fieldset><br /> <legend>legend text</legend><br /> <table><br /> <thead><br /> <tr><br /> <th>heading</th><br /> </tr><br /> </thead><br /> <tbody><br /> <tr><br /> <td>content</td><br /> </tr><br /> </tbody><br /> </table><br /> </fieldset><br /> <br /> <div style="font-size: 18pt;font-weight: bold;">text</div><br /> <fieldset><br /> <legend>legend text</legend><br /> <table><br /> <tr><br /> <td>content</td><br /> </tr><br /> </table><br /> </fieldset><br /> <br /> <div style="font-size: 18pt;font-weight: bold;">text</div><br /> <fieldset><br /> <legend>legend text</legend><br />  <br /> </fieldset><br /> <br /> <div style="font-size: 18pt;font-weight: bold;">text</div><br /> <fieldset><br /> <legend>legend text</legend><br /> <table><br /> <tr><br /> <td></td><br /> </tr><br /> </table><br /> </fieldset><br />
    you will see that some of the legends are formatted with the font-size: 18pt from the div above. it seems that this happens if there is no visible output or nbsp inside the fieldset


    I’ve just run the test with your sample and got layout identical to a rendered by MS IE. So I would say the issue is solved too.


    @PD4ML wrote:

    We’ve just fixed the problem in our development build. The version will be available for download in few days.

    Is this version now available?


    We are going to publish the freshest v360fx1b2 26-27 of April.

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