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  • #26382


    i currently testing the professional version of PD4ML for my company.
    It seems to me that the rendered text is a little bit fuzzy.

    I attached two PDF screenshots with simple text, the first PDF is generated with PD4ML and the second with MS Word and a PDF-Printing-Driver.

    I have configured PD4ML to use the original windows Fonts and used
    pd4ml.useTTF(“C:/windows/Fonts”, true); in my code.

    Is there any way to increase the font quality?


    Does your PDF contain any images?

    As we learned Adobe Acroread uses different page rendering algorithms depending if a page has images with soft masks (alpha channels) or does not. For some strange reasons if a page has such image, the font glyphs on the page appear with rough edges (it does not impact print output – it is only a problem of screen view).


    Thanks for the quick response,

    your right, there was a PNG image in the header. When i remove the image the text looks fine. It looks also normal with an JPG image.

    Is there a way to affect the rendering algorithm or some other way that the text looks better with that kind of images?


    We spend quite a lot of time to find a workaround – unfortunately no success.

    I could only recommend you to replace such translucent PNGs with transparent PNGs (have bit transparency mask instead of alpha channels), or GIFs or JPEGs.

    If you have tons of images to convert, you may add on-a-fly image converter as a custom resource loader:
    utilizing, for example, JAI library.

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