HTML to PDF / DOCX / RTF Java converter library Forums PD4ML Forums Technical questions / Troubleshooting footer using inline pd4ml:page.footer is not displaying

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  • #35832


    Greetings. Hope you are well! I am on pd4ml 4.0.13. I am trying to implement footer using the below code
    <html> <head> <title>Header/Footer example</title> <style>BODY {font-family: Arial}</style> </head> <body> <!-- inline definition of the header/footer for the current and all following pages --> <pd4ml:page.header height=30>$[title]</pd4ml:page.header> <pd4ml:page.footer height=100>Total pages: $[total]</pd4ml:page.footer> <!-- here it overrides the header/footer set above starting from the current page --> <pd4ml:page.header height=30> <b>$[title]</b> $[page]/$[total] </pd4ml:page.header> <pd4ml:page.footer height=100> <div style='width: 100%; text-align: right'>Page: $[page]</div> </pd4ml:page.footer> </body> </html>

    However i am able to see the Header but not the footer. Please see attached PDF

    Can you please help me on populating only footer, right aligned on every page?


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