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  • #38445

    Due to server limitations, I am unable to build a full-fledged Java application, instead I am using pd4ml.jar via cli. It is currently working without any .lic file (but adding PD4ML DEMO watermark). I downloaded the (trial) pd4ml.lic and placed in same folder as pd4ml.jar and the watermark is still present.

    I am still trialing the product but hopeful it is a good solution. If I purchased a license, would the watermark be removed automatically? Even when using cli and the pre-compiled pd4ml.jar?


    DEMO watermark is added if it was not able to find pd4ml.lic, otherwise it would appear as EVALUATION watermark.
    It is a good idea to achieve during the evaluation it shows EVALUATION watermark. After the license purchase you will only need to substitute .lic file with the purchased.

    Regarding the issue. You need to place the .lic file to the application work dir (not to the shared lib dir as you did). The workdir location is environment-dependent. Alternatively you could place the .lic file to the Java classpath root. It is environment-dependent too, but there is a proven place: you can inject pd4ml.lic to the root of pd4ml*.jar.

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