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  • #26388


    We are having problems generating our pdf in only one of our environments. This environment is getting the CSS data from an HTTPS url (we’ve solved that) and adding it to the HTML inline and then rendering the pdf. This is all executed from within a secure environment. We have debug enabled and when the render method executes, we only see the message:

    version: PD4ML 360 Pro

    we do not see:

    new parse attempt with: UTF8
    done in 1578ms.

    as we do when it works. I noticed that you have this StatusMessage capability, but there is not any documentation as to how to use it, other than an example:

    PD4ML.StatusMessage[] msgs =
    (PD4ML.StatusMessage[]) pd4ml.getLastRenderInfo(PD4Constants.PD4ML_PDFA_STATUS);

    for ( int i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++ ) { System.out.println( (msgs.isError() ? “ERROR: ” : “WARNING: “) + msgs.getMessage());

    which I add to my code, but gives me a compile error can’t find PD4ML.StatusMessage. Please advise. I’m using version 3.60.

    Upon further testing, it seems that the render method blows up without an exception (don’t know how that can happen) because we have debug messages displayed immediately after the render method is called and we do not see those in the server log.

    So, we really need a way to tell what went wrong from within the render method. Is there a way we can enhance the pd4ml debug info?




    For the time being StatusMessage is only useful to check if generated document matches PDF/A requirements.

    First I would recommend to upgrade to currently available v360fx1. If the problem still there, please dump HTML document before it passed to PD4ML and send to support pd4ml com.

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