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  • #38918

    Hi, I’m having an issue where on some days when I generate the documents (after a re-deployment of my service running on Docker), the paragraph spacing is bigger even on the same documents. For example, without any change to the content, it would generate with the expected paragraph spacing yesterday, but today, it would look to seems double of that value. It’s correct one day but next day it would be wrong. Was this related to any setup issue?

    I’m converting HTML to PDF on 3.11.5fx3 pro version.
    For context, a redeployment on the same day wouldn’t solve the issue.

    You can a section of my generate document in the screenshots provided.

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    It’s possible that I have some cache html that was used to generate between deployment version which break the styling when upgrading the version.

    This is likely an issue on my code.
    Sorry for the trouble.


    Thanks for the update on the results of your investigation!

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