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  • #27187

    does anyone know if there is a general incompatibility with inline unordered list elements in PD4ML? I didn’t expect this to be an issue, but our current tests show that there seems to be no way to have LIs formatted inline.

    The following code, for example, formats the items below each other instead of inline. No tampering with margin/paddings helps (a rather blind approach, admitted):
    <br /> <html><br /> <head><br /> <title>Inline LI test</title><br /> </head><br /> <body><br /> <ul><br /> <li style="display:inline">Entry 01</li><br /> <li style="display:inline">Entry 02</li><br /> <li style="display:inline">Entry 03</li><br /> </ul><br /> </body><br /> </html><br />

    => Is there any workaround for this, is it a known problem maybe? MY forum search didn’t yield any relevant results, si here i try 🙂

    Thank you!


    I think unordered lists by default are vertical. To achieve an inline list (e.g. horizontal), you would need to make use of display inline which as far as I can see from the supported CSS properties is not supported. In fact, many display properties are not supported which is blocking me.


    >I think unordered lists by default are vertical.
    Yes they are – and that’s why I explicitly asked about inline styled ones. They are, I believe, quite a common thing.

    @zefer – is there any chance that inline LIs are supported – or that their support can be fixed?

    Thank you & best regards!


    The feature is not supported due to legacy architecture restrictions of v1.x-v3.x

    Pre-release PD4ML v4 already supports the horizontal list representation, but as I see the spacing between list items is not quite correct.

    You can give it a try:


    Thank you for your response and the explanation!

    We’ll keep our eyes on the v4 progress and see what it does on the document in question 🙂


    Float is supported so you could float your unordered list items?


    Thanks for information related to web development

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