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  • #37254

    we are in the process of migrating to Tomcat 10.
    Would it be possible to provide a version for the jakarta namespace for PD4ML v4.0.17?
    (and possibly for new versions in the future)


    We are preparing a new build of Jakarta, but due to unexpected technical problems with our CI/CD environment, it has been delayed.

    BTW: Have you had the opportunity to test the older adapted version in Tomcat 10?


    We did some small tests with and they seemed to work fine.

    Unfortunately we ran into an endless loop with 4.0.15fx2 (javax version) some months ago. At the time we could not reproduce the error in our development environment and simply switched back to 4.0.9fx5 because of time constraints. So the idea was to try the newest version with Tomcat 10 and see if the problem with the loop still exists…


    Hi! We’ve just published v4.0.17 snapshot for Jakarta:
    Please give it a try


    This may be something I overlooked, I am getting this error on a Java 20, Tomcat 10.1 server when trying to open a jsp that uses the pd4ml tag library. Any ideas:

    Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] threw exception
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport

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