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  • #26709

    Hello ,

    we got occasionally a server hotspot crash during dynamic compiling the obfuscated class method

    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.5.0_12-b04 mixed mode)

    T H R E A D

    Current thread (0x53e1c180): JavaThread “CompilerThread1” daemon [_thread_in_vm, id=3180]

    Stack: [0x54150000,0x54190000)
    [error occurred during error reporting, step 110, id 0xc0000005]

    Current CompileTask:
    opto:3052 org.zefer.html.doc.o.o00000(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; (8 bytes)

    and get none further information (i.e. java stacktrace) in server or system log’s.
    (pd4ml.enableDebugInfo() has been set also)

    As a result we need a complete web app server restart (tomcat 5)

    Without any clue what’s going on it seams not very promising to get a bugfix for it.

    So i suggest:
    1. We would activate the heap log with param
    and wait for next error (hopefully with java stack trace)

    2. Afterwards – as a workaround – we will set the param
    to (hopefully) get rid of other server crashes

    Do you agree with that ?
    Will this lead to further problems or
    have your any other proposals for to solve our problem ?

    Thanks in advance


    It looks like you’re hitting hotspot compiler bug.

    If for some reason an upgrade to the most recent JVM version is not an option for you, as a workaround try to create a .hotspot_compiler file that excludes the call for org.zefer.html.doc.o.o00000

    for example:

    [language=java:fc72q1tt]#.hotspot_compiler file
    exclude org/zefer/html/doc/o o00000[/language:fc72q1tt]
    (the library is obfuscated, so the method signatures look strange)

    BTW: could you please pubblish “VM Arguments” section contents of the crash report? Didi you overrire the default max heap size value with -Xmx parameter?

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