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  • #26639


    I am converting a HTML page into a PDF file.

    In the HTML page we have a long link. Because the link is longer than the PDF page width, the whole link isn’t shown correct.

    Is there a way to break up long words or links into a second line?

    Here is the code I currently use:
    <br /> ...<br /> PD4ML html = new PD4ML();<br /> html.setPageSize( org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4Constants.A4 );<br /> html.setPageInsets( new java.awt.Insets( 30, 20, 20, 20) );<br /> ...<br />


    CSS style “word-wrap: break-word” should help.
    if your document is read-only, you may apply it via PD4ML API:

    [language=java:13pebngn]pd4ml.addStyle(“BODY, DIV, TD { word-wrap: break-word }”, true);[/language:13pebngn]

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