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  • #26809

    Hello guys,

    I just would like to know if PD4ML does support the embedded views in Lotus Notes as well? Because I was trying to generate a pdf from a Lotus Notes – Page and everything did work well, except of the space where the embedded view should have been because this area were left blank.

    So can someone just give me this short information?

    Thank you very much in advance.


    Please send us a DXL sample of a document with an embedded view – we’ll see if there is a view data can be converted to PDF.


    Please find enclosed a dxl-sample. As you can see, in the embeddedview-section you’ll find the name of the view included but not the content of it.

    However, it would be very interesting to know if there is somehow a possibility to get this content of a embeddedview into the dxl-file too?

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