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  • #26430

    hi everbody

    I’m using the .net enviroment (

    I want create a pdf from a html file. But from the second page on, all pages are not correct rendered. It looks like the complet style is missing.

    If I run the same html through the java enviroment (, everthing looks perfect.

    Can some give me some advise? Thanks a lot.

    .NET rendered PDF: .net pdf
    Java rendered PDF: java pdf
    Source HTML: source

    best regards, stefan


    –> bump

    I’m in the evaluation phase of finding a good “html to pdf” framework for .net and this product would be the perfect solution for our project. (Because we already using the java product in our company)

    It would be a great benefit for the project if you can solve this problem. To be on the safe side, I will not buy (suggest to buy) the software until it’s working as expected.

    I look forward to hear from you and best regards,


    Stefan, we’ve reproduced the issue and been working on it.


    We fixed the issue in the development build. I’m going to send it to you directly by email. Hopefully it is not going to be bounced by your mail filter.


    Thank you. I received the file by email. But i’m unable to run it.

    The problem is:

    Could not load file or assembly ‘CssParser, Version=1.0.3757.33904, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=de03998e8cef9566’ or one of its dependencies. The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

    If I add/remove the CssParser.dll, there is no change.

    Is the problem, because I don’t have the development-build CssParser?

    Thanks for your help,


    I’ve sent only one file differs from v360b1 (the most recent version available for download). In theory it should work.

    Ok, I’ll send the rest of the files.


    Sorry, I completely forgot to reply.

    Thanks for sending the files.
    It is working now as expected.
    Great work, thank you.

    Is this version already available for purchase?

    Best regards,


    > Is this version already available for purchase?

    It is not available for download yet, but we are ready to send it to you directly by request.


    @PD4ML wrote:

    It is not available for download yet, but we are ready to send it to you directly by request.

    Ok, I’ll like to buy it. Can you send me a “PD4ML Library Pro” offer with payment information for this special case? I will forward it to the cost centre. Or should I use the normal PayPal-Link?

    Thanks and best regards,


    Just use the standard PayPal or ShareIT order link. After that please contact support pd4ml com and we’ll send you the most recent version.

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