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  • #26995

    Hi there,
    I try to convert this html code:

    <br /> <p><br /> Dear Jack,<br /> <br />this is line 1.this is line 1.this is line 1.this is line 1.<br /> </p><br /> <p><br /> this is line 2<br /> <br />this is line 3<br /> </p><br />

    Why there is so much space between p tag in VAND generated pdf?
    Is there a way to reduce it?


    I resolved with {padding:0; margin:0} styles added to p and div tag.


    Probably a removal of paragraph margins completely is not always a good idea. You could define/override styles only for particular cases, for example:

    P + P, DIV + P { margin-top: 0 }

    resets top margin, only if a paragraph follows other paragraph or DIV

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