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  • #26305


    i have a little problem with the pdf generation.

    I use the demo of pd4ml and i try to store the opening parameters (from adobe) in the pdf:

    So i just added the parameter in the


    the parameter means, that the reader open the third page. but it doesn’t work. i tried a few things more like viewer.params=page/=3.

    i can’t find some documentation about this file on the website.

    And pd4ml set the page format always to A4. the only thing i just can edit are the insets and the document informations.

    i use the following php code to generate the pdf:

    can anybody help me?

    Greetings from Germany!


    1. Actually viewer.params is intended to make possible to open generated PDFs by exotic PDF viewers (if any). Let’s say the viewer requires to put an extra switch before PDF name:

    myexoticpdfreader.exe -input output.pdf

    In the case you would need to define


    in If you want to use the property to pass PDF open parameters, you need to specify them fully:

    viewer.params=/A “page=3=OpenActions”

    (the above makes sense only in offline scenarios!)

    2. You may define desired page format in


    but why don’t you use Pd4Php for that?

    In the case you may pass the open parameter (from your first question) like that:

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