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  • #26630

    I am encountering a very strange behavior related to pd4ml rendering text with font Arial (located in a folder with the fonts property file set correctly).

    I am using an OpenSUSE linux installation over AWS (Amazon) for rendering PDF files in English and Hebrew using Arial font. When I am logging-in through PuTTy to my root account and restart my tomcat the rendering works smoothly.
    However, when I set my tomcat as a daemon (in init.d) to start at computer restart, my webservice works with no problem but pd4ml fails to render the hebrew fonts with Arial (display question marks instead).
    It doesn’t seem to be a problem with a path not set to the font property file because I am using the same path for other purposes in my webservice with no problem.

    I believe that it is some kind of service I am not loading but I could not find any.

    I will really appreciate any kind of help

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