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  • #27111

    I am trying to add a footnote without any number in my PDF, but as soon as I add the tag noref the footnote is not displayed. Am I doing something wrong?

    Heres my code:

    <pd4ml:footnote noref="true" style="display:none; pd4ml-display:bloock; pd4ml-visibility:visible"><br /> <div style="height:120px"> </div><br /> </pd4ml:footnote>


    Hello pd4ml-team,

    would be nice if i would get any kind of reply!


    I’ve tested your code snippet with the most recent v3.10.0 and detected no issues. It renders correctly with and without “noref”.

    Could you please publish a HTML document and its resulting PDF to illustrate the issue?


    Thanks for the reply.

    I updated the version and it still didn’t work. After some research I found out that if I add bodystyle like this, footnote is not displayed.

    String bodyStyleTemplate = "body{ margin-left : %smm;margin-right : %smm;padding : 0px;margin-top:0mm;margin-bottom:0mm;}";<br /> String bodyStyle = String.format(bodyStyleTemplate, left, right);<br /> pd4ml.addStyle(bodyStyle, true);

    I managed to workarount that and the footnote is now displayed. Thanks for brining me on the right path.


    That was my reply, was not logged in.

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