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  • #27215

    I’ve been reviewing the documentation for 508/UA compliance. I’m using PD4ML 4.0.3 and I see PD4ML.setAuthorName and PD4ML.setDocumentTitle. I don’t see support for Subject, Language and Keywords. PD4ML.addMetadata is documented not to support changing standard property names. So how to I change these standard property names?

    Clifton Sothoron


    PD4ML v3 inherits the data from HTML meta info, like

    In PD4ML v4 the feature is in TODO list, but can be added quite swifty by request.

    There is also a possibility to post-process generated PDF with the API calls:
    [language=Java:1dtt3lac]PdfDocument doc2 = new PdfDocument(new URL(“file:o:/work/pdf/doc2.pdf”), null);
    doc2.setAuthor(“Author 1”);
    doc2.setCreator(“Creator 1”);
    doc2.setTitle(“Title 1”);
    doc2.setSubject(“Subject 1”);
    doc2.setKeywords(“Keywords 1”);
    … and save the doc after the changes …[/language:1dtt3lac]

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