HTML to PDF / DOCX / RTF Java converter library Forums PD4ML Forums Technical questions / Troubleshooting pdf containes large vertical spacing and some data is hidden from view

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  • #34823

    We are testing the latest production version of Pd4ml – 4.0.14 with some of the HTML pages we use in our app. The generated pdf document contains large vertical spaces in the rows that are being displayed in the first page. Also, some of the displayed divs in the second page are being placed under other page elements and they are partially hidden from the view (Contact Data, Address Data sections from the second page).
    Please see the attachment. It contains the source document (plus all css used files) that was set as the input of the PDF parser. You can check the page correct layout by opening the html file in a browser. There is also the generated pdf file in the attachment. There are significant differences between them.
    We used the latest cssparser library (0.9.29) when we generated the pdf.
    We have been using an older version of the pd4ml library (1.0) for a long time, we did not experience these issues when using the same input.

    Please help.


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    Hi Sorin,

    thanks a lot for your interest in PD4ML! For the case you reported we created a helpdesk ticket. Contact support @ pd4ml com to receive the status updates.

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