HTML to PDF / DOCX / RTF Java converter library Forums PD4ML Forums Technical questions / Troubleshooting pdf generated does not have Page break after the footer, has whitespace

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  • #35834


    Greetings. Hope you are doing well! I am generating a pdf using v4.0.13 and it looks like i do not see page breaks after the footer and there is also lot of white space at the end of every page. I am attaching the pdf from v3 and v4, html stream for v4. Can you please let me know how can i get the page break?

    temp.pdf – generated by v4.0.13
    COA 28 November 2022_Pega7.3.1.pdf – generated by v3
    ParseToPDF.txt – Java to render pdf
    noPageBreaks.html – HTML stream for temp.pdf

    Any questions, please do let me know!


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    Hi Bharat,

    the page layout consists of absolute positioned blocks only, which caused the document height calculation logic to make incorrect assumptions, also impacting footer placements.

    The currently available v4.0.15fx2 snapshot build already resolves the issue. Please give it a try.



    Greetings. Is there any workaround with v4.0.13? pd4ml is bundled with vendor software and i cannot use 4.0.15 in client environment as it requires update from vendor which is not in roadmap anytime sooner.



    I’m afraid even if we merge the fix into the v4.0.13 branch, the new build date will not be covered by the license code that comes with your product.
    If you are not a PD4ML licensee, it is better you request a patch (updated PD4ML jar + license code) from the vendor.


    I’m afraid even if we merge the fix into the v4.0.13 branch, the new build date will not be covered by the license code that comes with your product.
    If you are not a PD4ML licensee, it is better you request a patch (updated PD4ML jar + license code) from the vendor.

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