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  • #27152


    we are trying to merge a pre-existing pdf with the pdf we generated using pd4ml(recently purchased a volume license – .net version)

    We are receiving following exception while doing so… can you please help.. this is high priority for our release next week.. hence would be great if we could get the response as soon as possible.

    Error message : “PDF Merge: Parsing of PDF failed: Parse error at . Encountered: >7676″

    Stack trace : ” at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.e()rn at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.f()rn at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Uri url, StreamWriter os)rn at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(String textUrl, Stream os)rn at SpecDeck.Helpers.Utilities.GeneratePDF(String presentationId, String orientation, Boolean customise, String presentationRoomId, String pageNumber) in D:\Projects\Sprint3-ManageRoomsProducts\SpecDeck\Helpers\Utilities.cs:line 660″

    -Ganesh M.


    Also in .Net library we couldn’t find a type called pd4document.. but looks like this is available in the java library, as shown here

    PD4Document doc1 = new PD4Document(new URL(“file:c:/pdfs/doc1.pdf”), null);  
    int pagenum = doc1.getNumberOfPages();  
    PD4Document doc2 = new PD4Document(new URL(“file:c:/pdfs/doc2.pdf”), null);  
    pagenum = doc2.getNumberOfPages();  
    pagenum = doc2.getNumberOfPages();  
    File f = new File(“c:/pdfs/result.pdf”);              
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);  



    any response here?


    As PD4Document interface is not ported to .NET yet, for the time being the only solution is to use Java API for doc merging.

    We’ll start porting of the doc merging functionality to .NET only after PD4ML v4 Java is released (in 2-4 weeks)


    What would be the timeline for this porting? can I assume by end of this month?


    Unfortunately not. The porting will take a couple of months.



    will this be available by end of month? currently we are depending on third party library to merge documents, which we want to get rid of asap.

    if you can provide exact date by which this can be completed.. I can ping back

    -Ganesh M.



    Has this been done? if yes, how can we download the new version?
    if no, when can we expect this to be released?

    -Ganesh M.

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