HTML to PDF / DOCX / RTF Java converter library Forums PD4ML v3 Archived Forums (Read Only) Troubleshooting Please help ASAP! Corrupted Chinese Character(4bytes UTF-8)

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  • #27209

    We found that PD4ML (version 3.99) cannot support 4 bytes Chinese character. ? will be shown when there are 4 bytes of Chinese characters.

    Please try these 4-bytes Chinese Character here

    Please help ASAP.
    Thank you very much!


    PD4ML v3.9.9 does implement 4-bytes characters support, however the next 3.9.9fx1 and newer versions are recommended (as they fix few bugs).

    The feature is very sensitive to the configured TTF fonts: the fonts should define the used 4-byte glyphs and the font names should be explicitly referenced from the HTML.


    We addressed the issue again and found our implementation of the feature was not full. The just released v3.10.9 supports the 4bytes encoding more consistent way.


    hi @PD4ML

    After testing v3.10.9, the 4-byte Chinese characters even are not displayed as questionmarks, but as blank characters.

    Please try these 4-bytes Chinese Character here

    Please help ASAP! Big Thanks.

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