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  • #26605


    i have somme issues with this the generation of those html scripts

    [language=html:3eljw5br]Celui-ci est sur fond orange[/language:3eljw5br]

    and with
    [language=html:3eljw5br]ce texte est écrit en impact[/language:3eljw5br]

    the generated PDF neither have background or impact face.

    i am using the last demo version and i’m wainting for the release bought (if it’s not bought yet, it will be soon) by my customer.

    sorry for my english 🙂


    other problèmes with this code :




    there is no underscore for the first test message.


    The problem with combined underline and line-through CSS styles (or corresponding HTML tags) has just been fixed in the development build. Now it also supports overline text decoration. To be available with the forthcoming beta release.

    We’ll address the rest of the issues tomorrow.


    Thanks for your reponse.
    When will this beta be available ?



    We planned to release it this week. Probably it will take a couple days more.

    Regarding the remaining issues:

    1. The background style will work if you change to . We’ll try to make it working for too.

    2. In order to output texts with Impact font face, you need to utilize TTF embedding feature of PD4ML Pro:


    thanks for all your answear,
    this html is generated with nicedit.js that’s why i have all this case.

    i’ll wait for the pro version of my customer & the next release.

    thanks for your reactivity

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