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  • NPO

      I have a cache problem when I create pdf.
      I have a page with a logo in the upper part. I use pd4ml in different sites but when i create pdf i see always the same logo even if i am in another site.
      This is my code:

      <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="pd4ml" %>

      MY HTML…

      I also used:
      But with no luck
      What can I do to disable image cache?
      I also tried to append a suffix to the image, but it doesn’t work because it doesn’t find the image.






        4-5 years ago one of our customers faced with the issue like yours. I’ll try to find our discussion thread and to learn how we resolved the problem. I’ll let you know asap.

        It had something to do with a reusing of class instances (implement custom JSP tags) by the JSP framework.

        Please let us know your PD4ML version and the appserver version/type you run PD4ML under.


          thanks for reply
          We have PD4ML Java Library (don’t remember the version. where can i find it?)

          We have Glassfish App Server as application server



          You may find the version number in document properties of any generated PDF.


            The only information I see is:
            PD4ML. HTML to PDF Converter for Java (371b4)


              any news?



                I’m the only one that have problem with image cache?


                Sorry for the delay with the reply. It seems my first suggestion regarding reusing of class instances was wrong.

                In theory the following tags
                [language=xml:2y93anlw] [/language:2y93anlw]

                nested to should help. (Identical System.setProperty(“pd4ml.cache.enable”,”false”) may fail due to server’s security restriction)

                I would also recommend to add debug=”true” attribute to

                In the case if the caching is successfully disabled it should print to server’s log

                cache disabled. (re-)reading

                Please check if it works for you and outputs the debug message.


                  Thanks for your reply.
                  I add the tag to my page and I can see the log message:
                  cache disabled. (re-)reading file:/util/images/logo.png|#]

                  But inside pdf I see alway the wrong image.
                  Every night I restart glassfish and the first time i create a pdf the logo is ok. But from that moment I see always that image even if i’m on another site


                  It looks like there is an implicit caching on JDK level. We’ll investigate if it is possible at all.


                  any news?


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