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  • #38208

    Given the scenario of a single development team (<10 people) developing a single web application, being installed on multiple stages (development, testing, customer testing, productive) with multiple instances each.
    So the license would actually have to cover local developer machines, CI/CD and the installations mentioned above.

    From how I understand the terms, the “Single License” would cover that.
    Is this correct?


    To be 100% PD4ML licensing policy friendly, you would need to purchase one license for each deployed production instance of a PD4ML-enabled product, plus an additional one license for development needs.
    Instead, we would recommend purchasing one of the DevSite licenses because it does not limit the number of deployments, covers development needs, and has a longer maintenance period.


    A development site license would then also cover multiple teams and applications having a similar setup, right?
    But how exactly would a development site be defined for teams working remotely?
    Might it be considered as something like a department or a group of teams or so?


    There are PD4ML Enterprise licenses, which cover all company divisions and affiliates. But in your case it is probably redundant.

    If the remote teams are working on the same project as the DevSite licensee (actually belong to the same team), the DevSite license is still ok. It is important to us that the licensee appears as only one source of support requests.

    But we in no way want to dissuade you from buying an Enterprise license 🙂

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