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  • #26824

    Using an evaluation copy. The code is a sample right from the documentation. It just converts an HTML page from a URL. It compiles and runs just fine using JDK 1.6 on windows 7, but the output is blank. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.



    Unfortunately you did not provide more details regarding your test scenario and environment.

    A typical reason of blank pages is a binary data corruption (by an implicit applying of character encoding conversion to a binary document) by a saving or sending a PDF to HTTP. For example:


    If it is definitely not your case, please publish the HTML, PDF samples and Java code you run.


    Sorry, I’ve attached the code. thanks !


    try to add encoding=”default” attribute to


    try to add encoding=”default” attribute to

    Sorry, I’m a newbie. I’m still at a loss. Where is this tag? is this a configuration item ? I’m just running straight java. No web apps.



    oops, sorry – I published the hint to a wrong thread.

    Could you please also post a sample PDF with blank pages?


    Sure, here it is.


    So what do you think ????


    Sorry for the delay with the reply.

    As I see the PDF has been generated from a blank HTML document.

    What is confusing, is that the PDF generation parameters

    [language=java:wjqpokp9]% PD4ML version: 381fx1
    % JDK version: 1.6.0_31
    % OS version: Windows 7 6.1
    % File encoding: Cp1252
    % size: java.awt.Dimension[width=595,height=842]
    % insets: java.awt.Insets[top=28,left=28,bottom=28,right=28]
    % htmlWidth: 780
    % call with URL[/language:wjqpokp9]

    does not correspond API calls in file you sent.

    First I would make sure the Win7 workstation can establish an outgoing HTTP connection to (or to other HTML source) and there is no firewall/proxy in-between.

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