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  • #26857

    It seems that pd4ml will interpret value of border-bottom-width less than 0.38pt as “0”, please check, thanks.


    FYI, when i use the following code:
    pd4ml.setPageSize(PD4Constants.A4);<br /> pd4ml.setHtmlWidth(798);<br /> pd4ml.setPageInsets(new Insets(0, 0, 0,0));<br /> pd4ml.useTTF("c:/Test/testlib", true);
    I cannot see border-bottom-width less than 0.38pt in the generated pdf file.
    using the following code:
    pd4ml.setPageSize(PD4Constants.A4);<br /> pd4ml.protectPhysicalUnitDimensions();<br /> pd4ml.setPageInsets(new Insets(0, 0, 0,0));<br /> pd4ml.useTTF("c:/Test/testlib", true);
    I cannot see border-bottom-width less than 0.5pt in the generated pdf file.


    or could you give some suggestion if i want to output a border that width is 0.25pt?


    We’ve just fixed the problem in the development build. The fix will be available with the forthcoming (beta) release in 1-2 weeks.

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