HTML to PDF / DOCX / RTF Java converter library Forums PD4ML v3 Archived Forums (Read Only) HTML/CSS rendering issues tomcat log running into infinite loop,CPU spikes in 3.9.5

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  • #26953

    Errors: tomcat log running into infinite loop,CPU spikes in 3.9.5 when we reference images in a template that are not actually attached.(error handling issue i guess).Is it fixed in latest versions

    The issue causes Tomcat to go into an infinite loop, caused by PD4ML. These are reflected in the Tomcat logs. . That constant writing to the logs/loop is what keeps the CPU spiked high.
    Part of the issue is poor CSS coding, which we’ve taken steps to correct, but another issue is caused by referencing images in a template that are not actually attached.
    I guess PD4ML 3.9.5 does not handle that well and it also causes the infinite looping.Is it fixed in the latest version


    In one of recent versions we addressed a similar issue. Can you please test with a recent (even evaluation) version if the issue already resolved?

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