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  • #26692

    Good morning,

    I am using the layoutbox feature for a bedrooms list on a brochure, because it varies in size it always needs to fit one page hence using it, however it seems to cut the content half way if the rooms list is really long..

    Is there a character limit on it? Because it always reaches a certain point then will just stop adding any more text. Below is the exact tag I am using;

    Content here

    Can I either set the characters limit, or is there anything I have done wrong?



    Good morning, any news on this yet? I am really keen to get the page working.

    Or if there is any other way I can get flowing columns working on a single page?

    Kind regards,
    Lee – Domus Software


    Did you try to reduce scalelimit attribute value?


    Yes I put it right down to 0.20 to test that and it still cut the text off at the same point even though the text now fitted easily with lots of extra space for the remainder of the text, Lee


    We’ve got a couple of reports, that the layoutbox and multi-column layout feature work not always stable. We plan to address the issues and fix with the new maintenance release.

    I would estimate 2-3 weeks for that.


    OK, have there been any similar reports about the amount of characters it allows or could that be something at my end?

    Also just to clarify…multicolumn is for use on all pages and it cannot be used on a single page I am guessing?

    Kind regards,
    Lee – Domus

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