HTML to PDF / DOCX / RTF Java converter library Forums PD4ML v3 Archived Forums (Read Only) General questions / FAQ When HTML page is large generated pdf skipping contents

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  • #26401

    I am using pd4ml.lib.trial.360fx1 evaluation version. I have Issue that when HTML page is long and I generate PDF in that case my remaining contents are skipped. Is there any way by which it automatically fits my html content into pdf using scale down or something like that.

    I set following properties

    pd4ml.setPageSize( 768,1024);
    pd4ml.setPageInsets( new Insets(10,10,10,10));
    pd4ml.setHtmlWidth(768 );

    Now If my html page size is greater than 1024px in that case my remaining contents are skipped rather then to add new pahe in PDF. I am not able to generate new page in PDF any how.


    A doument sample would help to analyze the issue. Could you please attach it to a post or send to PD4ML support by email.


    Here I have attached file.

    Can you please check that why contents are skipping and even Body ‘s stylesheet that gray colour is not coming in PDF file


    The issue is caused by “OVERFLOW: hidden” style of body element.

    You need either to remove the style, or to allocate space with not absolutely positioned content. For example by adding of


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