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  • #33959

    Hello, I have a problem with my table of content behavior, and I find nowhere how to solve it.

    First, I use an autogenerated toc as the following :
    <div id="toc"> <header>Table of content</header> <pd4ml:toc> </div>

    Everything works fine.

    My issue scenario is :
    I open my PDF (with Acrobat Reader, and others non-web browser embedded readers),
    I change the zoom (full page, 100%, whatever),
    I scroll to the Table of content,
    I click on a link.

    The scroll goes to the right page : OK !
    The zoom is reset to the very first value : my issue.

    Do you know how to solve it ?

    Thank you.


    Hi! We’ll investigate for possible workarounds. There is a couple of ideas…


    OK, thank you very much !


    Hello everyone.

    Any news ?

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