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  • in reply to: justify is nor working with arabic

    thanks for your reply
    i think all the lines appear with the wrong justify direction when using arabic , i think i can test this fully for you if you send me the current build from development and i will let you know how it goes directly

    thank you

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    We run Java web servers in several different types of environments, some secure and some not secure. From the non-secure environments, the PD4ML library works flawlessly. However, the exact same HTML rendered in a secure environment does not work. In fact, something strange happens.

    We are running Tomcat 5.0 and Sun servers each using some version of Java 1.4. All are in Windows environments (various).

    We send the output of the Java code to our server log. When all is normal, we will get output like the following:

    version: PD4ML 360 Pro
    new parse attempt with: UTF8
    done in 1578ms.
    DEBUG: After render()

    The DEBUG statement is our output. The first 3 are generated by PD4ML. When we run in the secure environment, all we get is the first line, the version. We should at least get the DEBUG statement, but somehow PD4ML blows our Java code out of the class so that the DEBUG statement is never printed. We have the code wrapped within a try/catch which will catch Exception as well as three other specific exceptions.

    The code we’ve tested with is as simple as:


    Has anybody else experienced this and if so, how did you fix it?



    in reply to: How Split a Table Header In Each Page

    I have the following CSS and table html


    header 1 header 2 header 3 header 4
    cell 1 cell 2 cell 3 cell 4
    cell 1 cell 2 cell 3 cell 4
    cell 1 cell 2 cell 3 cell 4

    I have a number of tr row with class = noBreakCell, I found that when I not use:

    the table is break while row does not break inside, this is fine.

    But I try to have the table header repeat on different page, it turns out that the whole table is being moved to the next page instead of splitting into multiple page, did I use anything wrongly?

    in reply to: How Split a Table Header In Each Page

    Previous post typo mistable, it should be

    in reply to: How Split a Table Header In Each Page

    Here this is the HTML that I try to print using PD4ML:
    download fromdropbox:
    I applied page-break-inside:avoid in tr with class ‘noBreak’

    When I set enableSmartTableBreaks(false); or not apply the statement, it can split table without spliting table tr row, just the table header does not repeat.

    When I set enableSmartTableBreaks(true); as the table cannot fit completely in the first page, it completely moved to the second page. leaving the first page with blank area.

    PD4ML is great in helpping us developing our print out function but just this spliting not yet fulfill our print test. Really look forward to see whether it is because of my table html / css or JAVA set wrongly.

    The ver of PD4ML we used: 3701b1 demo (we need to see PD4ML fulfill our test in order to buy the volumn licenses)
    code for html generation: JAVA/JSP
    how we use pd4ml: we build jsp report and use PD4ML to handle the print by mean of converting the built pdf file to bytearray and send to our printer.

    in reply to: How Split a Table Header In Each Page

    enableSmartTableBreaks(true) implicitly defines

    TABLE, TR { page-break-inside: avoid }

    You may partially override it with

    TABLE { page-break-inside: auto !important }

    to prevent a table moving to its next page.

    in reply to: justify is nor working with arabic

    We’ll send it to you later today.

    in reply to: PD4ML Does Nothing in Secure Environment?

    Someone from PD4ML Please answer this question!?! We need to get this to work for a customer delivery.



    in reply to: PD4ML Does Nothing in Secure Environment?

    What do you mean under “secure environment”? Do you try to load the source HTML by HTTPS?

    in reply to: PD4ML Does Nothing in Secure Environment?

    Yes. Our client’s entire environment is HTTPS and firewalled, etc. We view the results of the server log and can see the HTML stream that is fed to PD4ML and as a test, we used very basic HTML as shown in my first post, so there no CSS nor are there any images, just a small bit of valid HTML. It renders fine in our development environment, but in theirs, the log displays the PD4ML version and then nothing else. We have PD4ML debug turned on. Please tell us how to fix this.



    in reply to: PD4ML Does Nothing in Secure Environment?

    PD4ML does not “officially” support HTTPS, however it implements very basic HTTPS resource loader (using the standard JDK classes). WebSphere and Weblogic implement their own versions of HTTPS protocol, and the implementations are not derived from the standard API. That causes ClassCastExceptions (or some strange behavior) on the platforms by attempts to load HTTPS resources.

    As you wrote, your application runs on Tomcat platform, we never experienced such problem with. So first I would recommend to upgrade to the most recent v371b1 and to check if the problem is still there.

    in reply to: PD4ML Does Nothing in Secure Environment?

    Can you venture a guess as to why the Java code essentially gets completely thrown out of the method that renders the PDF without being caught by the exception handler?

    in reply to: How Split a Table Header In Each Page

    Does this valid in PD4ML if I wish a particular block not to be broken:

    div{page-break-inside: avoid}

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    hi, I have one question here before I commit my company to a license purchase.

    Here is the scenario, Our java struts2 app generates a purchase order in html form that we hope to generate into pdf using pd4ml.

    the purchase order would have a dynamic number of items, each items consisting of a bold header and a few lines of description beneath. Because it is in html form right now, it does not suffer from pagination issues. My question is, how can we achieve a nice pagination automatically, i.e. for the items to fall over to a new pdf page nicely as a whole, instead of being sliced in half when the page size is reached.

    Can pd4ml do this automatically ? How can I achieve this effect in a jsp page otherwise ?

    thank you and regards.

    in reply to: How Split a Table Header In Each Page

    For DIV it should work.

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