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  • in reply to: Troubleshooting


    We use 3.9.0 version now, but we want to update to 3.9.8f4 (Pro). But it is problem with text encoding.

    HTML code (minimize):
    <br /> <!DOCTYPE html><br /> <html xmlns=""><br /> <head><title>Header</title><br /> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type"/><br /> <style><br /> body {<br /> font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;<br /> }<br /> <br /> h4 {<br /> font-family: inherit;<br /> }<br /> </style><br /> </head><br /> <body><br /> <h4>Название по-русски</h4><br /> </body><br /> </html><br />

    My program:
    <br /> PD4ML pd4ml = new PD4ML();<br /> pd4ml.outputFormat(PD4Constants.PDF);<br /> pd4ml.useTTF("java:fonts", true);<br /> pd4ml.setDefaultTTFs("Times New Roman", "Arial", "Courier New");<br /> <br /> try (InputStream resourceAsStream = Pd4mlTest.class.getResourceAsStream("temp.html");<br /> InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(resourceAsStream, "UTF-8");<br /> ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {<br /> pd4ml.render(inputStreamReader, os);<br /> InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray());<br /> FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(is, new File("C:\1.pdf"));<br /> }<br />

    It is text ‘Еазван-ÑЀ¸ÑЃμÑ Ð•Ñ¿Ð•Ð¾ºÐ’ instead of ‘Название по-русски’ in result PDF.
    But it converts to RTF correct.

    Old version (3.9.0) also make correct conversion.

    in reply to: Mangal font support

    The issue is known. PD4ML does not implement a ligaturizing for Indic languages as we have found neither good tech description of the algorithm nor a reference implementation.

    If you can point us to good info sources – we’ll be happy to implement and to include it to PD4ML.

    in reply to: Mangal font support

    > Could you please share more configuration details. With my code it is not able to comprehend hindi font at all.

    By default PD4ML converts to PDF characters, belong to Latin-1 charset only using built-in Adobe fonts (Helvetica, Times New Roman and Courier New). In order to output national or special characters you would need to configure and utilize TTF embedding feature of PD4ML Pro. See:

    in reply to: Encoding problem (pdf only)

    Try to use

    pd4ml.render(StringReader isr, OutputStream os, URL base, String encoding)

    and explicitly give “UTF-8” as encoding parameter.

    in reply to: Encoding problem (pdf only)

    …and make sure you use PD4ML Pro.

    PD4ML Std does not support national scripts.

    in reply to: Img html tag problem

    Did you try to specify a more detailed image path, i.e.

    <IMG src="/webapp/ImgRead?file=” width=”179″ height=”150″>


    in reply to: css parsing issues

    1. Try to reformat the single-line CSS stylesheet into more readable content with a formatter tool. I googled – and it works fine.

    2. Run PD4ML with debug switched on. Now it reports CSS errors with a reference to particular string number of the stylesheet.

    2. Locate and comment unsupported directives out or fix syntax errors.

    In the most recent version (v398fx4) we suppressed a lot of warning messages, caused by unimplemented popular media control functions (which are usually irrelevant by PDF generation). So check out the version – it produces less warnings on your HTML/CSS.

    in reply to: Can’t rotate my portrait PDF

    impacts only next and subsequent pages. If you need the first page in landscape mode, specify that by pd4ml.setPageSize() API call or in corresponding PD4ML taglib’s attributes.

    (Note: works only in JSP context)

    in reply to: Performance issue in PD4ML for .NET

    This week we started a porting of v398fx4 to .NET platform. It will take few weeks to complete. During the porting we’ll pay attention to the performance issues you reported.

    in reply to: Pd4ml Pro version TTF issue

    Please try using pd4ml.useTTF(“C:EpicFontsabc.ttf”, true); instead of pd4ml.useTTF(“”, true);

    in reply to: How to center the result of ‘fitPageVertically’

    I’m also interested in this. Any comments from the PD4ML team?

    If the output could be centered on the page, it would look a lot nicer.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    I’m using .Net library and have an issue with styles not applying. So I need to see the log to troubleshoot the issue but I cannot find it. Where all these messages go? My application is an Asp.Net MVC application, btw.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    I have some problem with the page(website) which use boostrap stylesheet. When already render with command pd4ml.render(“xxxx.html”, fos); the result is not correct it is not beautiful.

    Would you recommend to solve this problem?
    Thank you.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    We have procurred ‘Java 3.98fx4’ library recently , Couple of clarifications :-

    1. We have requirement for ‘Inherit Zoom’ support in the generated PDF files, However we don’t see any support in the APIs.

    2. By default the pdf generated with zoom level as 108% with ‘fit width’ enabled, if the user changes the zoom level e.g. from default 108% to 125% and the clicks on any bookmark the zoom level defaults to 108% with ‘fit width’ enabled.

    Any help on this is appreciated.

    thanks !


    Could you tell me if we can overwrite JDK and OS version now ?

    Thanks in advance,

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