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  • in reply to: pdf’s Table right margin and the content is missing

    Thank you for the reply!

    I was not able to use the option you suggested,Since we are using the lanscape orientation already.

    I am using the below code, in pd4ml probe and it works fine.

    pd4ml.addStyle(“table { word-wrap: break-word;font-style: italic;width: auto !important }”, true);

    But I used the same code in our application but it is not working for the same HTML,
    we are using the below jars,

    Please suggest,if any other version is required.How to check whether the jar is of pro or demo version?


    Just fixed in the DEV build. A maintenance release is expected to be published till end of the week.

    in reply to: pd4ml probe renders the css style but pd4ml-3.9.5 does not

    Please send an HTML sample and its problematic PDF output to support pd4ml com to be analyzed

    in reply to: Duplex printing

    > each source HTML document starts a new PDF page; there is no way to continue half-blank page with a new doc.

    Yes, you are right. There are some tech reasons for that in the current v3.x. If you are sure, there is no style intermixes, try to merge the HTML portions to a single HTML doc before it is passed to PD4ML. Just take into account: a closing or tag stops further HTML parsing, so it makes sense to remove any instances of the closing tags if they are not at the end of the resulting HTML.

    Proprietary could help you to prepare a document for duplex printing. The page break tag inserts a blank page if needed to fulfill the “next” condition.

    in reply to: enableSmartTableBreaks in RTF

    Just published v3.10.1 implements the feature.

    in reply to: pdf’s Table right margin and the content is missing

    PD4ML Probe is usually bundled with one of the recent versions of PD4ML.

    PD4ML v3.9.5 is more than 2 years old and based on older CSS runtime.
    I would recommend to try the newest PD4ML version.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I am new to PD4ML so please excuse me if the answer is obvious. I am using PD4Ml tags in the jsp. On clicking a link, new jsp needs to be loaded in pdf form. It works fine if I give an actual file name and path. But our application uses relative path. I get garbled pdf if use the relative path name. Please let me know the best way to make it work with relative path names. I do not want to give actual path and file name to make this work.

    Thanks in advance.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I am experiencing the following issue:

    Using float left style, the div1 is overlapped by div2.

    test 1
    test 2
    line 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
    line 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
    line 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
    text after pre element

    I cannot paste a real example due privacy issues .

    Any idea what it can be ?

    Thank you

    in reply to: Overlapping divs when rendering pdf

    Problem solved by usind width:100% on pre elements.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    We are using PD4ML version 3.10.0 .
    We want to render Chinese and Erythraean in Pdfs.
    For Erythraean we have added Noto Sans Ethiopic and are able to render the fonts.
    For Chinese we have simsun and mingliu in Windows, hence the text is rendering fine.
    However, we require fonts to be used in our product which is hosted on a linux machine.For this we require proper licensed version of fonts under which we will be authorized to use them. Kindly provide us with such ttf files that can be used for embedding in pd4ml.

    I tried using noto-cjk otf files but those were rejected by pd4ml and encountered the following error –
    file:C:WindowsFontsNotoSansMonoCJKsc-Regular.otf is .OTF font file with currently unsupported PostScript outlines (‘CFF’ glyph table instead of ‘loca’).

    Also, if we use the allfonts.jar provided by pd4ml, we would like to know the license of the fonts and whether we are authorized to use the given ttf files in our linux server.

    Kindly provide me with a solution regarding the issue.


    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    It seems whatever i do, pd4ml won’t render images that are behind a redirect.
    for instance:
    if an url like http://hostname/image.png is redirected to http://hostname/image2.png, the image won’t be rendered.

    in reply to: pd4ml ignores images behind a http redirect

    The problem was first sound in an old version of pd4ml we’re using but it’s still applicable for 3.10.0 pro demo, that i was trying out a few days ago.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    With the provided addMetaData method added metadata will not provided of the pdf document. The pdf Document shows still pd4ml and also no Author.

    Is that a bug?

    in reply to: PD4ML Tips & Tricks

    content += “


    PD4ML pd4ml = new PD4ML();
    PD4PageMark header = new PD4PageMark();
    StringBuilder strstyle = new StringBuilder();
    pd4ml.HtmlWidth = (htmlWidth);

    pd4ml.addStyle(“@page : body{font-family: Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana;}.innertext{font-family: Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana;color: #efefef;}”, true);
    pd4ml.addStyle(“TABLE,DIV {page-break-inside: auto !important}”, true);

    pd4ml.PageSize = PD4Constants.getSizeByName(“A4”);
    Byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content);
    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray);
    pd4ml.render(stream, new System.IO.FileStream(stroutpath, System.IO.FileMode.Create));

    Response.ContentType = “Application/pdf”;
    Response.AppendHeader(“Content-Disposition”, “attachment; filename=” + pdfname + “.PDF”);
    Response.TransmitFile(Server.MapPath(“GeneratePDF/” + pdfname + “.PDF”));


    in reply to: how to show background image in full size of page

    You may define a page background with the API call:

    [language=java:x8menc5o]PD4PageMark footer = new PD4PageMark();
    // footer.setPageBackgroundColor(;
    pd4ml.setPageFooter(footer); // or setPageHeader() – both methods are ok[/language:x8menc5o]

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