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  • in reply to: PDF page headers/footers definition options

    Did you find the solution for footer issue mentioned?I am also facing the same problem.

    in reply to: PDF page headers/footers definition options

    Please send the HTML source, Java code snippet (if any) and its resulting PDF to support pd4ml com.

    in reply to: Rendering large RTF files takes hours

    Could you please publish the document source and the resulting RTF? Or please send it to support pd4ml com

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    when i try to generate a pdf using the below html code , is also displayed in the pdf.

    <html><br /> <head><br /> <title>recall</title><br /> </head><br /> <body><br /> <form action="userLogin"><br /> <table><br /> <tr><br /> <td>Hello<</td><br /> </tr><br /> </table><br /> </form><br /> </body><br /> <html>

    output in pdf:


    in reply to: <td><</td> generated as <</td> in the pdf

    Do you find it is wrong? There is an HTML syntax error, so PD4ML does not interpret < as a tag.

    in reply to: <td><</td> generated as <</td> in the pdf

    My point is it should be uniform with browser display. I have used both IE and mozilla to test it. and both are displaying it as :-

    in reply to: <td><</td> generated as <</td> in the pdf

    I see your point. But I guess the HTML specification does not define what supposed to happen in the situations like that. It only explicitly requires that ‘<' content character should be defined as '<' Of course there is a common practice how to workaround invalid syntax, but you can imagine it is not realistic to predict all possible coding errors and to test them in the popular browsers. We opened a ticket for the issue, however it will take not less than one month to fix: even minor changes in JavaCC parser grammar definition cause big differences in autogenerated Java classes. That means big additional efforts to port the changes to .NET platform. As a workaround I would recommend to pre-process source HTML before it is passed to PD4ML: to substitute all occurrences of '<<' with '< <'

    in reply to: <td><</td> generated as <</td> in the pdf

    Thanks for the reply.


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hi, All. I came across some issues.
    In html, I use some checkbox tag, it displays well in IE6 broswer. However,after being converted to pdf, the checkbox displays much larger than in html. And all css styles of checkbox I set in html will lose after being converted to pdf.
    Did someone meet this issue? pls kindly give a hand.

    in reply to: css style control of checkbox will lose after convert to pdf

    maybe you can change size of the image that used to display checkbox by pd4ml.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hello! I’ve downloaded the trial version of your product in order to evaluate it. Unfortunately I’m experiencing some problem. When – for example – I try to convert the page (see attached file) I get following error message:

    java.lang.NullPointerException<br /> at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.super(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)<br />

    What could be the cause of this problem?
    Thanks a lot for your support
    Best regards

    in reply to: NullPointerException in render

    Obviously the issue is PD4ML-version-dependent. I tried to convert the HTML you sent with the actual version of PD4ML and did not reproduce the exception.

    On the other hand the resulting PDF layout did not match the layout as it appears in the popular web browsers. Please note: despite the product name “HTML-to-PDF converter”, PD4ML is not intended for web sites capture. Our goal is on PDF side: it is to allow you to define PDF layouts of any level of complexity with a language everybody knows – HTML.

    in reply to: css style control of checkbox will lose after convert to pdf

    It would be nice to take a look to the resulting PDF. Could you please attach it (with its source HTML) or send to support pd4ml com

    > checkbox displays much larger than in html
    What does “larger” mean? Is it comparing to other objects or texts of the document, or does it appear bigger in Acroread comparing to the web browser view?

    in reply to: A definition of custom resource loaders

    I need to extract multiple images from database and put them on the PDF.
    Is there a way I can pass the InputStream of the image as an arguement to the ResourceProvider.


    in reply to: css style control of checkbox will lose after convert to pdf

    As the attached picture, when use checkbox in a row, the height of row became much higher than normal height.
    checkbox is “larger” than texts of the document..
    <br /> <table cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" style="margin-left:20px;" width = "100%"><br /> <tr><br /> <td><br /> <span class="cn">请单选</span><span class="en">Select One Option ONLY</span><br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> <tr><br /> <td><input type="checkbox"/><span class="cn">单名帐户*</span><span class="en"> Sole A/C</span><br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> </table>
    How to control the size of checkbox? it seems css style of checkbox will lose after html being converted to pdf. I want the checkbox being displayed same size as texts besides it.

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