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  • in reply to: Generate PDF from XSLT file

    Thanks it works 🙂

    in reply to: Encoding problem (æøå)

    Problem is solved.

    The URL I pointed to, was a servlet which was redirecting to the jsp page (HTML page). This caused the problems with showing speciel characters like æøå as ???.

    Now I just point the URL directly to the jsp page (HTML page) and it works now. The characters are shown perfectly.

    Thanks for support.

    in reply to: JSP to PDF Performance

    Thanks very much indeed for your response – it is much appreciated!!

    I couldn’t see where the render() method gets called when using the taglib. However, if the org.zefer.pd4ml.taglib.PD4MLTransformerTag variable is a local variable, I assume that the render() method belonging to the same pd4ml instance is not called by more than one thread at a time?

    Thanks for the performance warning about executing multiple conversions simultaneously. We want to allow customers on our website to generate pdf quotations from the jsp page which displays their shopping basket. We anticipate a maximum of 100 quotes per day. However, I am very concerned about putting too much load on system resources and will certainly monitor it. I may have to change the default quote option from pdf format to excel format (which is the format we have been using all along).

    in reply to: JSP to PDF Performance

    The taglib wraps PD4ML API thread-safe way – so there is no need to care about the API utilization.

    Just for your info: render() is called in doEndTag() method of PD4MLTransformerTag class (the method is triggered by closing )

    in reply to: JSP to PDF Performance

    Thanks a lot for the info – it has been very helpful to me!

    in reply to: Horizontal overflow to a new page

    Determine the width of the table with javascript (or other method) and then pass that as the screen width (screenWidth=”400″ for example)

    That should get it to render the whole table, at least it has worked for us via the command line interface.

    in reply to: css style control of checkbox will lose after convert to pdf

    @PD4ML wrote:

    I converted the HTML snippet and the result looks ok. See attached.

    Probably in your case there are some extra styles, that reduce the font size. I cannot tell exactly as I seen neither entire HTML document, not its PDF output.

    Sorry for so late to replay..details xml:
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><br /> <html><br /> <meta content = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv = "content-type"/><br /> <head><br /> <style type = "text/css"><br /> .cn {<br /> font-family: SimSun;<br /> color:#114488;<br /> margin-right:2px;<br /> font-size:8px;<br /> }<br /> .en {<br /> font-family: Arial;<br /> color:#000000;<br /> font-size:8px;<br /> }<br /> </style><br /> </head><br /> <body><br /> <table cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" style="margin-left:20px;" width = "100%"><br /> <tr><br /> <td><br /> <span class="cn">请单选</span><span class="en">Select One Option ONLY</span><br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> <tr><br /> <td><input type="checkbox"/><span class="cn">单名帐户*</span><span class="en"> Sole A/C</span><br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> </table><br /> </body><br /> </html>
    The height of checkbox is too large, isn’t it?
    I want the checkbox has same height as the text besides it.
    ps:I saw that pd4ml use “java:/resources/icons/cb-off-big.gif ” & “java:/resources/icons/cb-off-big.gif” to render checkbox, could I use the smaller one –>”cb-off.gif”? if I could, then how to do it?

    in reply to: css style control of checkbox will lose after convert to pdf

    > The height of checkbox is too large, isn’t it?
    As for me, everything is correct. The font size 8px is too small (comparing to the default checkbox height 16px). I checked the HTML in a web browser and got more-less the same size difference of cb height and font size.

    Anyway the forthcoming PD4ML beta release will allow to control checkbox shape dimensions with CSS.

    in reply to: problem with background-color and font face

    thanks for all your answear,
    this html is generated with nicedit.js that’s why i have all this case.

    i’ll wait for the pro version of my customer & the next release.

    thanks for your reactivity

      in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

      I have a cache problem when I create pdf.
      I have a page with a logo in the upper part. I use pd4ml in different sites but when i create pdf i see always the same logo even if i am in another site.
      This is my code:

      <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="pd4ml" %>

      MY HTML…

      I also used:
      But with no luck
      What can I do to disable image cache?
      I also tried to append a suffix to the image, but it doesn’t work because it doesn’t find the image.


      in reply to: Horizontal overflow to a new page

      PD4ML does not support JavaScript, so for the approach the measurement must be performed in a third-party tool (which adds yet another level of complexity).

      You may compute a content right edge position using PD4ML API and an idle render() call:

      pd4ml.render(url, byteArrayOutputStream);
      System.out.println(“right edge: ” + (Long)pd4ml.getLastRenderInfo(PD4Constants.PD4ML_RIGHT_EDGE_PX));[/language:2p69o76a]

      The returned right edge value (plus optionally some more margin pixels) can be used as pd4ml.setHtmlWidth() parameter value for an effective render() call.

        in reply to: Problem with image cache



        in reply to: Problem with image cache

        4-5 years ago one of our customers faced with the issue like yours. I’ll try to find our discussion thread and to learn how we resolved the problem. I’ll let you know asap.

        It had something to do with a reusing of class instances (implement custom JSP tags) by the JSP framework.

        Please let us know your PD4ML version and the appserver version/type you run PD4ML under.

          in reply to: Problem with image cache

          thanks for reply
          We have PD4ML Java Library (don’t remember the version. where can i find it?)

          We have Glassfish App Server as application server


          in reply to: Problem with image cache

          You may find the version number in document properties of any generated PDF.

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