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  • in reply to: Rendering ends von </body> Tag

    The multi-document processing, you need, is in our TODO list, but it is not implemented yet.

    The only solution for the time being is to preprocess the HTML before it goes to PD4ML and to remove all and tags. Unfortunately all CSS styles defined in the documents are going to merge, which can result.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hello all, I am using pd4ml via command line.

    I’d like to take an html and scale it to fit on one pdf page. Is there an easy way to accomplish this with pd4ml?

    Thanks for any assistance. I have read through the reference and API documentation, but I’m not sure how to leverage methods I see in the API when I’m using this tool via the command line.

    in reply to: trouble with relative path for img or css

    Ok, the bug is solved for me .

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    When i try to generate the html page, the picture of orange bars have not the correct size.
    Example with the files attached .
    ihm example is the html
    html2pdf is the pdf generated from the html .

    the css used is :

    .formCtactTitre1, .formCtactTitre1Off {
    width:731px; height:32px;
    padding:7px 5px 0 30px;
    font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#FFF;
    .formCtactTitre1 {
    background:url(../images/form_ctact_titre1.jpg) no-repeat center;
    margin:5px 0 2px 0
    .formCtactTitre1Off {
    background:url(../images/form_ctact_titre1_off.jpg) no-repeat center;
    margin:2px 0 2px 0

    if i add the height of img directly in the css it works :

    .formCtactTitre1, .formCtactTitre1Off {
    width:731px; height:32px;
    padding:7px 5px 0 30px;
    font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#FFF;
    .formCtactTitre1 {
    background:url(images/form_ctact_titre1.jpg) no-repeat center;height:40px;
    margin:5px 0 2px 0
    .formCtactTitre1Off {
    background:url(images/form_ctact_titre1_off.jpg) no-repeat center;
    margin:2px 0 2px 0

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    i have sent a url it have nearly 991 letters but i coun’t get a graph
    will url length make any problem?

    in reply to: Url graph not displayed
    in reply to: Url graph not displayed

    As far as I remember in older JDKs limits the URL to ~255 characters. Which version do you use?

    in reply to: uncorrect size for image

    HTML source of the document would help a lot to analyze the problem reason. Could you please send it to support or attach to the thread? Thanks.

    in reply to: Url graph not displayed

    We are using Jdk1.3 and for testing we are using PD4ML 360b2 Pro (eval)

    in reply to: Case Study: PD4ML used on CCA + Images and fonts issues

    @RobotAyatollah wrote:

    First, images with relative urls didn’t seem to work. The solution was obvious – use absolute urls for which we created a little Ruby helper method that prepended the full path to the image.

    In general relative image references work correctly in PD4ML. A problem may happen in specific J2EE scenarios (a web application is deployed as non-expandable JAR or WAR file, for instance), but useServletContext() API call usually helps in such situations.

    I would recommend you to switch the debug mode on (pd4ml.enableDebugInfo()) and to inspect the log file of the server. It should dump resolved relative URLs it tries to load.

    @RobotAyatollah wrote:

    Second, and much more frustrating! It seems that PD4ML doesn’t quite support all of the CSS I thought it would. Even though I had thought it supported font-family CSS properties, I could never get my basic font choices to appear in the PDF’s. This was really frustrating since our client, the CCA is pretty rigorous about which fonts it uses in publications. So the solution: I broke down and used the super old-school font-tag. Yeah, it really isn’t standard compliant and that kind of drives me nuts, but since the file generated is intended only for print and export to PDF I guess it works. And thats the point, it really does work and so the fonts I required are there.

    You may use in the resulting PDFs virtually any TTF font of your choice, but for that you would need to utilize TTF embedding feature of PD4ML:

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I put some radio buttons on a form and the checked does not transfer to the PDF. I have not tried a checkbox but I suspect the same problem.

    Sample code:


    Thank you,

    in reply to: Possible security hole in pd4ml

    Dear Sirs,

    Can you tell the rest of us if your concerns have been dealt with?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Dear Sirs,

    I am trying to render a PDF on a server other than the web server.

    I need to access a resource such as g:/acme/web/ (css or images)
    such that I would get the following result

    I have tried the following with the each result listed:
    URL base = new URL(“file:/g:/acme/web);
    image not yet in cache: file:/images/dot_000000.png

    URL base = new URL(“file://g:/acme/web”);
    not yet in cache: file://g:/images/dot_000000.png

    URL base = new URL(“file://g://acme//web”);
    not yet in cache: file://g:/images/dot_000000.png

    URL base = new URL(“file:///g://acme//web”);
    not yet in cache: file:/images/dot_000000.png

    URL base = new URL(“file:///g:/acme/web”);
    not yet in cache: file:/images/dot_000000.png

    Every time it appears that the “acme/web” is dropped from the path. Can you point me to the correct Base URL format?

    Thank you,

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    I see that since PD4ML Pro 3.2.0b5 you support the ‘scope’ attribute for in and tags so we would be able to set (for example) different headers for the 1st and the other pages.
    Thing is that we are currently using the API to set the header template and in the API docs on the site I do not find a way to set this scope programmatically. Am I missing something?

    in reply to: Possible security hole in pd4ml

    The issue is relevant only for scenarios, when you allow users to author, freely edit and save HTML templates on the server side. We find that as a bad practice in general.

    It makes teoretically possible to address undesired resources (for example, images) on the server side. Of course, the addressing possibilities are limited by permissions of the user account, the application server runs under.

    The most recent PD4ML betas implement a configuration parameter to limit the resource addressing scope.

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