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  • in reply to: custom tags documentation
    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    When the text in my textarea is too long/near the bottom of a page, the form element is created twice instead of being split or only on the second page. It seems PD4ML recognizes it may not fully fit on the “first” page so it recreates it on the “second” page, but now it’s duplicated and not respecting the footer.

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    in reply to: Licensing / Purchasing of PD4ML


    we have bought a DMS license and we are using Maven to include PD4ML v4 in our build, but seems that the PDF/A support is not availble, the method is not available:

    Where am I wrong ?


    in reply to: PDF/A ?

    .. of course I meant:

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    Actually we bought pd4ml pro license for v4 and then we are migrating to 4.0.17 while doing that pdf is generating properly only but we identified one problem with generatepdfa(true). In pdf we are getting “Evaluating Mode pd4ml pdf” watermark. we need some more information about what is difference between pdfa vs pdf generation through pd4ml jar. we need justification for that statement.

    This how code looks like in old pd4ml jar
    import org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML;

    PD4ML pdf=new PD4ML();

    when we migrate to pd4ml v4.0.17 jar we are getting “Evaluating Mode pd4ml pdf” but when we comment that statement we are getting pdf properly. we need to understand what is difference between generating pdf using pdfa vs pdf(default)

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    Hi! I guess you currently own PD4ML license, which assumes only regular PDF output. PDF/A-b support requires PD4ML DMS license, PDF/A-a and PDF/UA requires PD4ML UA license.


    You can easily upgrade to the above version by paying the difference in license price (if your maintenance period is still active).
    There is no need to replace the PD4ML binaries, you only need to apply a new license code with the required features enabled.

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    Greetings. Hope you are well! I am trying to generated a pdf from a html stream recently we upgraded the platform to latest version and with that pd4ml has been upgraded to 4.0.17. There is no entire html content in the generated pdf and the pdf formatting also does not look good, can you please have a look at the java code and the attached html stream to see if something is changed in v4.0.17?

    Java Code:
    /* Implementing using the PD4ML API per Pega Support Documents
    String PD4ML_DOCUMENT_VIEW_MODE =”pd4ml.document.view.mode”;
    org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML pd4ml = new org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML();
    com.pd4ml.PD4ML pd4mlNew = new com.pd4ml.PD4ML();

    java.awt.Insets margins = new java.awt.Insets(30,25,30,25); // Add letter border (top, left, bottom, right)


    java.util.Map m = new java.util.HashMap();
    m.put(org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4Constants.PD4ML_ABSOLUTE_ADDRESS_SPACE, “document”);
    pd4ml.pd4mlNew.setParam(PD4ML_DOCUMENT_VIEW_MODE,”TwoPageRight”); baos = new;

    org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4PageMark footer = new org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4PageMark();
    footer.setPageNumberTemplate(“$[page] of $[total]”);
    footer.setColor(new java.awt.Color(0x303030));
    footer.setFont(new java.awt.Font(“Times-Roman”,0,11));

    pd4ml.render(new, baos);


    return baos.toByteArray();


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    understand thank you


    And also I need some more info about ss_css2-3.7.1.jar, pd4ml_rc-3.9.8.jar and fonts-3.7.1.jar

    when I remove css2 jar it was working fine since we have separate package under pd4ml from 3.9.8 onwards but I didn’t found any information like they merged css related code into main pd4ml jar.

    And when we remove fonts jar chinese and arbic languages are not working does version 4 will still supports 3.7.1 fonts jar or we have to do manual configurations for that.

    Finally question does we required pd4ml_rc jar since we have samme .ttf files exist in fonts jar as well


    ss_css2-*.jar is not needed since version 3.9.8, since we implemented our own CSS cascading mechanism.

    Any older font JAR is compatible with v4. You can create new font collections using the GUI tool:

    PD4ML Fonts Tool


    what about this jar pd4ml_rc-3.7.1.jar


    can anyone please respond this chat. while doing upgradation we found that font.jar and pd4ml_rc.jar having same ttf files. if we remove pd4ml_rc.jar and keep fonts.jar will anything can break


    pd4ml_rc-3.7.1.jar contains only the minimal set of fonts needed to produce PDF/A. If it duplicates fonts from other font sources, it can be safely removed.

    in reply to: Image rotation based on EXIF orientation metadata


    Thanks for your answer. I tried the EXIF orientation support with the 4.0.20 release, the image is rotated but unfortunately it is also cropped (please check attached PDF). Could you please help ?

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    Thank you for your response it is helpful

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