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  • in reply to: can not load image error when converting from html to pdf

    From the diagnostics it follows, that PD4ML cannot load the image.

    errno: 111 (Connection refused), error: Connection refused (local port 50735 to address 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0, remote port 80 to address ... 050w50.JPG (socket timeout 0ms)

    Probably your workstation (where PD4ML runs) has no route to the server or there are other network/firewall configuration troubles.

    I would recommend either to investigate the network issue or just for the test purposes to refer to an image, available in your intranet.

    in reply to: Issue with numbered lines: unwanted bold

    Could you please publish or send to support pd4ml com an HTML sample and its PDF output, which illustrates the issue?


    Yes the reason for CSS.runtime is got. There is a dll needed called CSSParser.dll that I’ve put.

    But solution for error of opening PDF files is still cant be reached.

    But my concerned person told me that there in an exe called w3wp for generating PDFs when multiple users tried to Generate PDFs at the same time this exe is conflicting and an error is thrown when opening PDFs.

    So I want a solution so that I can avoid this conflict of exe when multiple users tried to generate PDFs at the same time.

    So kindly let me know what should I do about that.

    in reply to: PD4ML NOT SUPPORTING THAI AND OTHER Indian languages

    > it generates, “ನೀವೕ ಹೇಗಿದೕದೀರಿ”

    Usually that type of visual garbage is caused by an attempt to render UTF-8 document (2 bytes per CJK glyph) with a wrongly applied (default?) single byte encoding i.e. ISO 8859-1.

    Try to explicitly define UTF-8 in the document or pass the default encoding via JVM command-line params -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8


    w3wp.exe does not belong to PD4ML – please contact its authors.

    Please note – PD4ML is thread-safe but not re-enterrant. That means you cannot access the same PD4ML instance from multiple threads at the same time. Create an instance for each HTML->PDF conversion request.

    in reply to: Validation of HTML CSS styles

    We could add the reporting only to the forthcoming v4.0 or PD4ML (not expected before October-November 2016).

    We do not plan to extend the current PD4ML v3.9.9 with new features. However we could add a prefix to all CSS diagnostics messages, so you’ll have a possibility to filter them from PD4ML’s output and show it to users if needed.

    in reply to: Custom Fonts

    A usual reason, that it does not generate is insufficient permissions.

    For example the command has to index all system font and to generate c:/windows/fonts/ :

    java -jar pd4ml.jar -configure.fonts c:/windows/fonts

    but it does not, as by default (in modern Win versions) it has no permissions to write to c:/windows/fonts

    A solution is to generate the properties file somewhere else:

    java -jar pd4ml.jar -configure.fonts c:/windows/fonts c:/workspace/fontmap/

    The second parameter defined a destination folder or new file name for generated The .properties will refer to c:/windows/fonts as the actual TTF location.

    In your application pass “c:/workspace/fontmap/” as useTTF() parameter.


    Thanks for your concern. I’ll surely find out a solution for w3wp.exe thank you.

    in reply to: TTF embedding
    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    The width of the title/header between HTML page and it exported PDF through PD4ML lib is not matching. We are using version: PD4ML 385b9 Pro

    in reply to: can not load image error when converting from html to pdf

    If it is a firewall or network issue then image the should not be visible when pasted the link on the web browser.
    But when i paste image url on to the web browser address bar, i can view the image. Also I am able to view the image with the same URL in my web application page(html page).
    May be we need to check how pd4ml jar treats the image resource Url. And in which all cases pd4ml.jar throws this error.
    Let me know if anyone has more information to share in this case.


    in reply to: Local converter 398 fx4/fx5 crash with a NPE

    Thank you for investigating the problem and your response. Obviously it’s not absolutely necessary to have folders starting with the dollar sign, though it’s my habit and I simply haven’t expected that to be the cause of this (or any) NPE.
    From my point of view, any legal paths may as well be handled correctly.

    Unfortunately renaming that folder doesn’t seem to work, even after renaming the folder and, in subsequent attempts, trying to start it from within the folder or moving the folder to a very short path with no objectionable characters in it, it still crashes:
    <br /> c:tempvakkk>java -Xmx1024m -jar pd4ml.jar<br /> java.lang.NullPointerException<br /> at<init>(Unknown Source)<br /> at Source)<br /> at<init>(Unknown Source)<br /> at Source)<br /> at Source)
    which keeps puzzling me.
    Now I was testing with the version 399fx1.

    Could the issue be another one?

    UPDATE: I have tested some more, tried to run other (older) JVMs and the exception seems to be the same with all of them:
    <br /> c:tempvakkk>jrockit-R27.6.3-jre1.5.0_17binjav<br /> a.exe -Xmx1024m -jar pd4ml.jar<br /> java.lang.NullPointerException<br /> at<init>(<br /> at Source)<br /> at<init>(Unknown Source)<br /> at Source)<br /> at Source)<br /> <br /> c:tempvakkk>jdk1.6.0_25jrebinjava.exe -Xmx1024m -jar pd4ml.jar<br /> java.lang.NullPointerException<br /> at<init>(<br /> at Source)<br /> at<init>(Unknown Source)<br /> at Source)<br /> at Source)<br /> <br /> c:tempvakkk>jdk1.7.0_40jrebinjava.exe -Xmx1<br /> 024m -jar pd4ml.jar<br /> java.lang.NullPointerException<br /> at<init>(<br /> at Source)<br /> at<init>(Unknown Source)<br /> at Source)<br /> at Source)<br />

    in reply to: Local converter 398 fx4/fx5 crash with a NPE

    I looked through PD4ML sources once more… It seems it crashes by an attempt to determine PDF viewer location. Did it generate already file? If so, open it in in a text editor and check what is assigned to


    Try to replace the values with Acroread and Wordpad/MS Word executable locations.

    in reply to: can not load image error when converting from html to pdf

    It is not a 100% proof of problem-less network routing if it works from a web browser: the browser may be configured to access URLs via corporate proxy.

    in reply to: Local converter 398 fx4/fx5 crash with a NPE

    There is no yet.
    I also successfully tried running older versions (such as 380fx2, 380fx3) from the same location with the same JVM – these run.

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